Cannabis Proven To Help Insomniacs Sleep

Australia has always been a special place for me and as those who follow my page know, I spent several weeks there last year providing cannabinoid medicine education to Australian physicians. There are many parallels between the Australian medical system and our own, so I aim to keep up with the research coming forward, which led me to this new study. 

Completed by the University of Western Australia, this world-first study has “ shown that medicinal cannabis can be used as a treatment for adults suffering from chronic insomnia.”

The researchers found statistically significant improvements in a range of objective and subjective sleep measures, including total sleep time, wake time during the night, time to sleep, quality of sleep and feeling rested after sleep. Participants also reported a significant improvement in subjective measures of stress, fatigue and social functioning.

Lead researcher, Professor Peter Eastwood said: “Positive patient experiences with minimal side-effects are critical to the success of any insomnia drug and highlights the potential for this treatment to address a key area of unmet need.” 

I couldn’t agree more.

Full article available here.