Opioids and Cancer - Friend or Foe?

The effect of opioids on cancer progression, metastases, and recurrence is increasingly being questioned by researchers and clinicians, and serves as an important reminder of the urgent need for more research into safe and effective non-opioid alternatives.

In a review published in the journal, Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care, investigators examined the evidence for the action of opioids on the processes involved in cancer progression. In other words - they’re trying to figure out if taking opioids to treat cancer pain could actually cause the disease to progress faster. 

The analysis showed there is sufficient in vitro and animal model work to make a plausible case for a detrimental effect of opioids on cancer progression and advised: “In the light of the uncertainty of opioid effect on cancer, any decision making should be tempered by knowing that stress and pain undoubtedly contribute to cancer progression.”

Given the high rates of pain prevalence amongst cancer patients, the importance of identifying non-opioid alternatives cannot be overstated. While more research is undoubtedly needed, the role of cannabinoids in treating cancer-related pain is promising and urgently warrants further investigation. 

Cannabinoids are already a well-known and evidence-based treatment option for chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting. While treating this symptom, I’ve seen several patients also experience reductions in their cancer-related pain and anxiety, which has allowed us to reduce their opioid and anti-anxiety medications in some cases. In many cases, cannabinoid therapy has also helped reduce or eliminate other intolerable side-effects caused by these powerful medications, including constipation, insomnia and lack of appetite.

Full article available here.

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