Patient Testimonial - Joyce | Chronic Pain


Chronic pain is the condition for which there is the largest body of evidence to support the use of cannabinoid-based medicines. With physicians and patients both increasingly interested in reducing or avoiding opioid therapy altogether, cannabinoids are a very reasonable option--and for some, can be life-changing.

You’ve heard me talk about the importance of working with a physician experienced with cannabinoid medicine if you feel you have a medical condition that may benefit from treatment. This is particularly important if you are currently on opioids or other heavy analgesics, so that we can work together to SAFELY wean your other medication(s).

I’ve successfully treated numerous patients like Joyce here, who is now better managing her chronic knee, hip and lower back pain and completely off her opioid therapy. It’s the best part of my job to see people get their quality of life back.

Beverly's Story

Although we’re still in the midst of a pandemic, it’s exciting to see businesses gearing up to safely reopen, coupled with the beautiful weather we’ve had this week. It’s the little things like this that bring some positivity to this time of uncertainty. 

Along these lines, I wanted to share some feedback from my patient Beverly. Beverly, 54, had suffered from chronic back pain and chronic fatigue syndrome for years. After trialling several other medications and therapies, she was referred to my office for cannabinoid therapy. 

“When I was first asked if I wanted to try this medication I was against it. I was totally afraid. I had been in pain for so long and had used a cane. We went very slowly with dosage and I have reached a dosage that helps me. I am cane-free and I also enjoy playing with my grandchild. I feel like I am a person again, not just someone in pain. This has given me new life. I feel like I have freedom.” 

- Beverly, 54, Chronic Pain

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