Can CBD Help A Loved One With Dementia?

An estimated 50 million people around the world have been diagnosed with some form of dementia, and every year, there are approximately 10 million new cases. There is no cure, current treatment options are limited and it’s been described as a global health crisis requiring urgent action. Despite this, like so many issues affecting our seniors, it doesn’t get a lot of airtime. 

Kudos to Amy Marturana Winderl and Health Central for this extremely informative article about how advances in research are showing cannabinoid medicine to be a safe and effective treatment option in the management of behavioural and psychological symptoms associated with dementia. I was really pleased to be a part of this story. 

Every 65 seconds someone in the USA is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease - and after age 65, 1 in 5 women have a chance of developing the disease. This is a topic we should all care about.

Read the full article here.

United Nations Approves WHO Recommendations to Reschedule Cannabis In Historic Vote

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” George Bernard Shaw

I thought of this quote as I read the news last week about the United Nation’s historic vote on rescheduling cannabis.

In case you missed it: Late last week, the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) accepted a World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation to remove cannabis and cannabis resin from Schedule IV of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.

The historic vote in Vienna could have far-reaching implications for the global medical cannabis industry, ranging from regulatory oversight to scientific research into the plant and its use as a medicine.

The vote carries broad symbolic significance for medical cannabis. Now that the CND tacitly acknowledges the medical utility of the drug, it could encourage countries to reevaluate how cannabis is classified on their own lists of narcotic drugs, potentially paving the way for more research into its use as a treatment for a variety of conditions.

Read the full article by clicking HERE.