Announcing that the Canadian government is investing $32.7 million in annual funding for targeting additions including treatment for opioid addictions.
/This is fantastic to hear and couldn’t be more timely with opioid-related deaths surging in Ontario. I hope that the government will think outside the box in how they deploy this budget. As the former Primary Care Lead, Opioid Reduction Strategy, Addictions and Mental Health for the Erie St. Clair LHIN, we made the bold decision to train physicians in cannabinoid-based medicines as an opioid alternative.
The initial outcomes were very promising; however, the biggest barrier was COST. The more harmful drug we were trying to get people off of is covered and the alternative, safer, and equally effective drug, is not. Approximately 75% of heroin users report being introduced to opioids through prescription medications. We desperately need coverage for cannabinoid-based medicines & leaders who will make bold decisions to address this crisis.