The #CoverCannabis Project: Janet's Story

Need another reason why medicinal cannabis should be covered? Take a look at this amazing story. After just a couple of weeks on cannabinoid therapy, my patient has her severe fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis pain under control and has been able to sleep through the night for the first time in NINE years! You’ve heard me say it a million times, but a good night’s sleep goes a long way in reducing pain. Oh and we’ve been able to wean her opioid pain medication too. 

Grateful to all my patients who have shared their story to further this important cause: #CoverCannabis

The #CoverCannabis Project: The Sarnia Journal

“The unjust part of it is that we have guidelines to switch people off opiates, and patients want to do this. But when they have to choose between groceries or medication that is covered – but possibly more harmful – they usually go for the medication that’s covered.”

Huge thanks to the Sarnia Journal for helping to raise awareness of the #CoverCannabis movement. We’re really starting to gain some momentum and are grateful to everyone who is helping us spread the word and sharing their own stories. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing your experience on social, e-mail me at and we can help you share it anonymously. These are the stories that will make change happen.

Full article available here.

The #CoverCannabis Project: Global News Interview with Patient Kelly

I challenge anyone to listen to my patient Kelly’s story and explain why her medical cannabis should not be covered. Full interview here: 

Kelly went from taking 17 drugs, including heavy narcotics like fentanyl, percocet, and oxycontin, sleeping pills like zopiclone, and biologic medications that suppress the immune system, to just her thyroid medication and her medical cannabis.

Not only is it much safer to be on fewer medications - there’s a huge cost benefit to insurers.

Cannabinoid therapy is saving Kelly’s private insurance provider thousands of dollars a year, now that she’s on SIXTEEN fewer covered meds. Not to mention the direct cost savings to #OHIP through reduced doctor visits and avoiding the hospital due to potential drug interactions. But despite all this, she has to pay out-of-pocket for the only therapy that has ever worked. 

Someone please explain this to me. Or better yet, public and private policymakers, please contact me to shed some light on this for you. Truly - I’d be happy to collaborate with you.

The #CoverCannabis Project: Another Day, Another Patient Unable To Afford Medical Cannabis

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Another day, another e-mail from a patient who can no longer afford to continue on a medical treatment that is safer and more effective than anything else they’ve been on because they can’t afford it. This should make everyone who believes in universal healthcare furious.