The #CoverCannabis Project: Global News Interview with Patient Kelly

I challenge anyone to listen to my patient Kelly’s story and explain why her medical cannabis should not be covered. Full interview here: 

Kelly went from taking 17 drugs, including heavy narcotics like fentanyl, percocet, and oxycontin, sleeping pills like zopiclone, and biologic medications that suppress the immune system, to just her thyroid medication and her medical cannabis.

Not only is it much safer to be on fewer medications - there’s a huge cost benefit to insurers.

Cannabinoid therapy is saving Kelly’s private insurance provider thousands of dollars a year, now that she’s on SIXTEEN fewer covered meds. Not to mention the direct cost savings to #OHIP through reduced doctor visits and avoiding the hospital due to potential drug interactions. But despite all this, she has to pay out-of-pocket for the only therapy that has ever worked. 

Someone please explain this to me. Or better yet, public and private policymakers, please contact me to shed some light on this for you. Truly - I’d be happy to collaborate with you.

Opioid Prescribing in Canada Following the Legalization of Cannabis

For anyone out there who still needs to be convinced that cannabis can reduce opioid prescribing AND reduce public and private healthcare costs, here’s a brand new Canadian study (linked here) that I was fortunate to be a part of.

Our findings support the hypothesis that easier access to cannabis for pain may reduce opioid use for both public and private drug plans.

Overall the findings are very encouraging, although I do worry that patients are increasingly turning to the non-medical cannabis system for access. While cannabis has a superior safety profile compared to most other medications, there are contraindications & drug interactions that patients need to be aware of. Working with a licensed healthcare professional is crucial to ensuring patient safety--particularly when you’re talking about weaning things like opioids, benzodiazepines, etc.

This is yet another reason why we need to #CoverCannabis in Canada for patients who could benefit. Please help us continue to spread the word by sharing your own #CoverCannabis stories on social or sharing this post. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

The #CoverCannabis Project: Business of Cannabis Interview

I’m so grateful for the outpouring of support The #CoverCannabis Project has been receiving from all of you! It’s going to take a lot of noise and debate on this topic to make change happen - but I know we’re up for the challenge!

If you haven’t heard about The #CoverCannabis Project yet - or want more info - check out this quick conversation I shared with Jay from Business of Cannabis earlier this week. I really appreciate all the media who have been helping us to spread the word about this movement to a larger audience - thank you! Now everyone, please share, share, share! Let’s keep the momentum going.

Have an awesome day!

The Observer - Sarnia Doctor Wants Health Insurance Coverage for Medical Cannabis Use

Although we have made huge gains in improving patient access to medical cannabis in Canada, for many patients, one of the main barriers continues to be cost. 

For many of my patients, starting cannabinoid therapy has been life-changing and has allowed them to reduce or eliminate other medications that weren’t providing benefit or that were causing intolerable side-effects. 

Unfortunately, despite the success they are having on cannabinoid therapy, some individuals are ultimately forced to make the tough decision to go back on their previous medications (opioids, anti-psychotics, antidepressants, etc.) since they are covered by insurance. In Canada, with one of the world’s most admired health systems, that’s a VERY tough pill to swallow. 

At the very least, treatment for the most vulnerable individuals - like seniors with dementia and children with treatment resistant epilepsy - must be covered.

Huge thanks to Tyler Kula from The Observer for helping me raise awareness of this important issue. 

Read the full article here.

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