Introducing Doc Talk: A New Micro Series

It has become my life’s mission to help evolve the field of medicine and empower practitioners to integrate cannabinoid-based medicines into daily practice. 

Over the years, I have had the privilege of working with over 1000 doctors, all around the world, providing peer-to-peer training and mentorship in this area of practice. This is a huge passion for me and something I love to do. 

In  #DocTalk, I’m excited to share a candid glimpse into our sessions and provide easy access for any healthcare practitioners looking to to increase their understanding. In doing so, I hope many more patients will benefit. 

I hope you find it helpful and as always, please share with colleagues and reach out if you have any questions or would like to connect for a deeper conversation.

Medical Cannabis Week - Discussing Education w/ Jay Rosenthal

Earlier this week I had the opportunity to share my observations about training and educating fellow physicians in cannabinoid-based medicine.

As part of Medical Cannabis Week, we talked about the changes I’ve seen in physicians’ acceptance and readiness to learn about medical cannabis, how more practitioners are prescribing proactively vs. only after being asked by a patient, and the ongoing barriers to integrating cannabinoids into daily practice. 

We also discussed the similarities and differences that practitioners face around the world, and how our team works with international medical colleagues to share learnings and best practice. 

Huge thanks to Jay Rosenthal for the opportunity. I hope you’ll all check it out!

Reflections on Australia Visit: Canada and Australia Have More in Common Than You May Think

Did you know that Canada is the largest per capita consumer of prescription opioids? We are closely followed by the USA, which is no big surprise, but the countries rounding out the top 5 may be surprising: Denmark, Australia and Switzerland.

Unfortunately, we have a lot more in common with our Australian compatriots than having the Queen on our money: they too are facing an opioid crisis with opioid-related deaths up 114% since 2006.

Encouragingly, the Australian Government appears to be taking steps to explore reasonable opioid-alternatives and recently announced a $3 million research grant to investigate the use of cannabinoids to help cancer patients. Building on this momentum, I was excited to be invited to Australia for two weeks, where I met with pain, cancer, addiction and geriatric specialists, as well as primary care physicians, pharmacists and nurses in Sydney and Melbourne. Together we shared learnings and best practice and I provided in-depth training in cannabinoid-based medicine to help increase understanding amongst the Australian medical community.

Sharing my experiences with other practitioners, so that more patients can benefit, is one of the best parts of my job. I’m proud to be playing a small role in the evolution of medical cannabis in another part of the world and can’t wait to get back there and see how everyone’s making out.