Introducing Doc Talk: A New Micro Series

It has become my life’s mission to help evolve the field of medicine and empower practitioners to integrate cannabinoid-based medicines into daily practice. 

Over the years, I have had the privilege of working with over 1000 doctors, all around the world, providing peer-to-peer training and mentorship in this area of practice. This is a huge passion for me and something I love to do. 

In  #DocTalk, I’m excited to share a candid glimpse into our sessions and provide easy access for any healthcare practitioners looking to to increase their understanding. In doing so, I hope many more patients will benefit. 

I hope you find it helpful and as always, please share with colleagues and reach out if you have any questions or would like to connect for a deeper conversation.

Real World MediCannabis Virtual Summit


Healthcare Colleagues,

I’ll be presenting at the Real World MediCannabis Virtual Summit, which begins tomorrow evening, December 3rd. I’ll be sharing practical considerations for the use of cannabinoid medicine in long-term care and touch on how this class of medication can be of particular benefit in addressing some of the unique challenges associated with the pandemic (i.e. increased anxiety, sleeplessness, behaviours associated with dementia, etc.) 

I’ll also share some data about how cannabinoids can be used to reduce opioids, antipsychotics, antidepressants, sleep aids and overall polypharmacy.

To register, visit

If you are unable to attend during the set times, once you register, you should be able to access the presentations on-demand at your convenience. 

Medical Cannabis Week - Discussing Education w/ Jay Rosenthal

Earlier this week I had the opportunity to share my observations about training and educating fellow physicians in cannabinoid-based medicine.

As part of Medical Cannabis Week, we talked about the changes I’ve seen in physicians’ acceptance and readiness to learn about medical cannabis, how more practitioners are prescribing proactively vs. only after being asked by a patient, and the ongoing barriers to integrating cannabinoids into daily practice. 

We also discussed the similarities and differences that practitioners face around the world, and how our team works with international medical colleagues to share learnings and best practice. 

Huge thanks to Jay Rosenthal for the opportunity. I hope you’ll all check it out!

Personal Update from Dr. Pearson

Another early start today to deliver virtual training to the doctors I’ve been working with in Australia. Today’s group was from Western Australia where the time difference isn’t so bad - a 7:00 a.m. start is a-okay! 

Next week, I’ll be circling back with the Eastern Australia and New Zealand group I’ve been working with and that’s a 4:30 a.m. start time for me...which requires a VERY early morning dip in the lake to wake up!

It’s a great day when I can teach in the morning and see patients later on - two of the best parts of my job! Hope everyone is having a great day as well!