Coping with COVID-19 related Anxiety - Remember the Five M's!

As the Primary Care Lead for the Erie St. Clair LHIN’s Mental health, Addiction and Opioid Reduction Strategy, mental health is an area that is very near and dear to me. With the outbreak of COVID-19, we have seen an increase in anxiety-related calls to my practice. Fear and anxiety about the disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions, so over the coming weeks I’ll be sharing some additional resources here, to help our community stay both mentally and physically healthy during this unprecedented time.

Whether you’re already struggling with anxiety, sleeplessness or loneliness due to being in self-isolation - or just want to take pro-active steps to keep anxiety at bay - we’ve compiled a few recommendations to help you stay mentally and physically strong.

If distress impacts your daily life for several days or weeks, talk to a doctor, counsellor or contact your local Canadian Mental Health Association branch.

To help our patients access the care they need during this time, I’m also providing access to virtual care services to help ease the burden on the healthcare system. Our team is standing by to help: 519-339-9233.

*Must be an Ontario Resident.

Coping with COVID-19 related Anxiety

Remember the Five M’s!

1.    Maintain human connections

·         Call your family, FaceTime a friend, start a weekly virtual meet-up with friends. E-mail pictures and videos. Laugh, smile, connect.

2.    Move your body

·         Exercise releases endorphins which reduce stress. Even a little bit of movement will help. If you can get outside for some vitamin D, even better – but be sure to keep a minimum 6-foot distance from anyone else!

3.    Mindfulness & self-care

·         Self-care is critically important at this time as stress can be made worse if we aren’t taking care of ourselves. Engage in activities that you enjoy or haven’t had time to do. Learn something new like meditation – there are load of great apps out there (Headspace, Calm, Stop, Breathe, Think) and meditation can control stress, decrease anxiety and improve cardiovascular health.

4.    Minimize news

·         Seek information from reliable sources only and limit checking the latest news to short, defined periods of time. Turn-off the push notifications on your phone to avoid being peppered with updates 24/7 which can induce anxiety.

5.    Maximize healthy eating

·         Nutrition is medicine: By eating a healthy, balanced diet and avoiding processed foods you can boost your immune system, improve energy and reduce anxiety.