Brain Health & Alzheimer's Prevention

Founded by Maria Shriver, the Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement (WAM) was created to answer the question of why two out of every three brains that develop Alzheimer’s belong to women, and why women of colour are at even higher risk. 

WAM is an incredible resource for anyone interested in understanding more about what steps they can take to prevent or slow Alzheimer’s.

Check out their website for research, stats and helpful guides like the ones linked here They’re also active on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and are regularly posting helpful tips like the one I’ve re-shared here.


September marks World Alzheimer's Month

September marks World Alzheimer’s Month and this year, the Alzheimer’s community is facing more significant challenges than ever. 

Nearly 750,000 Canadians are living with Alzheimer’s or another dementia. Due to the significant and prolonged changes brought about by the Coronavirus pandemic, many patients are experiencing increases in symptoms including increased agitation, depression, insomnia and aggressive, and sometimes violent, behaviours.

Current pharmaceutical therapies, including antipsychotic medications, may provide some reduction in behavioural symptoms but carry an increased risk of severe side-effects including stroke and death. As a result, many families are proactively asking for safer alternatives.

There is a growing body of evidence for the use of cannabinoid-based medicines in the treatment of dementia-related symptoms and clinically, we’ve been seeing some outstanding outcomes since beginning therapy. I hope you’ll have a quick watch of this video to learn more.

Patient Testimonial - Jim | Chronic Pain

“I tried a little bit...and there’s just no looking back. It was probably one of the smartest things I ever did.” -- Jim

I’d like to introduce you to another one of my amazing patients who was kind enough to share his story to help educate others about the role cannabinoid therapy can play in managing chronic pain.

When Jim was referred to me, his pain was so severe that he wasn’t comfortable doing anything. Even sitting for a period of time was painful, so needless to say his quality of life was significantly affected. 

Cannabinoid therapy has been the only treatment that has made a difference in managing his chronic, severe pain. 

Personal Update from Dr. Pearson

Another early start today to deliver virtual training to the doctors I’ve been working with in Australia. Today’s group was from Western Australia where the time difference isn’t so bad - a 7:00 a.m. start is a-okay! 

Next week, I’ll be circling back with the Eastern Australia and New Zealand group I’ve been working with and that’s a 4:30 a.m. start time for me...which requires a VERY early morning dip in the lake to wake up!

It’s a great day when I can teach in the morning and see patients later on - two of the best parts of my job! Hope everyone is having a great day as well!