Beverly's Story

Although we’re still in the midst of a pandemic, it’s exciting to see businesses gearing up to safely reopen, coupled with the beautiful weather we’ve had this week. It’s the little things like this that bring some positivity to this time of uncertainty. 

Along these lines, I wanted to share some feedback from my patient Beverly. Beverly, 54, had suffered from chronic back pain and chronic fatigue syndrome for years. After trialling several other medications and therapies, she was referred to my office for cannabinoid therapy. 

“When I was first asked if I wanted to try this medication I was against it. I was totally afraid. I had been in pain for so long and had used a cane. We went very slowly with dosage and I have reached a dosage that helps me. I am cane-free and I also enjoy playing with my grandchild. I feel like I am a person again, not just someone in pain. This has given me new life. I feel like I have freedom.” 

- Beverly, 54, Chronic Pain

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How much does Medical Cannabis Cost?

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One of the most common questions I receive is: How much does medical cannabis cost?

Here’s a quick run-down at our clinic:

  • Visit: Most patient visits are covered by OHIP, with no additional cost to you

  • Medication: Many Licensed Producers offer special pricing based on your circumstances, including new patient, low-income and seniors discounts. If you’re a veteran, Veteran’s Affairs Canada will cover the cost of your medical cannabis up to a certain limit. Certain unions and private insurers also cover the cost for certain conditions, so it’s definitely worth an ask.

  • Tax Deductible: Medical cannabis is a deductible health expense approved by Revenue Canada 

For any additional questions or to inquire about your specific circumstances, please contact our team at 519-339-9233 or

We are accepting new patients!

Due to an increase in patient demand, we have increased our hours to accommodate new cannabinoid therapy patients! Our services are available to patients across Ontario by virtual appointment and most appointments are covered by OHIP.

We’ve treated thousands of patients with a range of conditions and have extensive experience helping patients manage chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety, behavioural and psychological symptoms related to dementia and autism spectrum disorders, and other special needs. 

Our team is dedicated to utilizing an integrated approach and providing tailored treatment plans for your unique needs which includes a comprehensive education session for all new patients. Our goal is to provide enhanced care every step of the way. 

Please contact our office directly at 519-339-9233 to schedule an appointment or head to the patient centre on our website here for more information.

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Cannabis Proven To Help Insomniacs Sleep

Australia has always been a special place for me and as those who follow my page know, I spent several weeks there last year providing cannabinoid medicine education to Australian physicians. There are many parallels between the Australian medical system and our own, so I aim to keep up with the research coming forward, which led me to this new study. 

Completed by the University of Western Australia, this world-first study has “ shown that medicinal cannabis can be used as a treatment for adults suffering from chronic insomnia.”

The researchers found statistically significant improvements in a range of objective and subjective sleep measures, including total sleep time, wake time during the night, time to sleep, quality of sleep and feeling rested after sleep. Participants also reported a significant improvement in subjective measures of stress, fatigue and social functioning.

Lead researcher, Professor Peter Eastwood said: “Positive patient experiences with minimal side-effects are critical to the success of any insomnia drug and highlights the potential for this treatment to address a key area of unmet need.” 

I couldn’t agree more.

Full article available here.