New Mini-Series: Self-Care Spring Cleaning w/ Dr. Pearson

May is Mental Health month, so we thought it was the perfect time to launch our new Self-Care Spring Cleaning mini-series. The first webisode is tomorrow night and Sarah and I are so excited to talk to everyone about how to declutter and tune-up our emotional and mental health - including strategies we use personally and in practice. There is still time to register at 

Huge thanks to Tyler Kula at The Observer for helping us get the word out.

Introducing Doc Talk: A New Micro Series

It has become my life’s mission to help evolve the field of medicine and empower practitioners to integrate cannabinoid-based medicines into daily practice. 

Over the years, I have had the privilege of working with over 1000 doctors, all around the world, providing peer-to-peer training and mentorship in this area of practice. This is a huge passion for me and something I love to do. 

In  #DocTalk, I’m excited to share a candid glimpse into our sessions and provide easy access for any healthcare practitioners looking to to increase their understanding. In doing so, I hope many more patients will benefit. 

I hope you find it helpful and as always, please share with colleagues and reach out if you have any questions or would like to connect for a deeper conversation.

Ontario doctors still lack knowledge about medical cannabis

A recent study conducted by McMaster University shows that Ontario physicians are still reluctant to authorize medical cannabis. This is unsurprising given that the endocannabinoid continues to be left out of most medical school curricula in the year 2021!! We need to catch up with the times here as it’s having a massive impact on patient access and care. 

For more info, check out this article in the Hamilton Spectator: 

Can CBD Help A Loved One With Dementia?

An estimated 50 million people around the world have been diagnosed with some form of dementia, and every year, there are approximately 10 million new cases. There is no cure, current treatment options are limited and it’s been described as a global health crisis requiring urgent action. Despite this, like so many issues affecting our seniors, it doesn’t get a lot of airtime. 

Kudos to Amy Marturana Winderl and Health Central for this extremely informative article about how advances in research are showing cannabinoid medicine to be a safe and effective treatment option in the management of behavioural and psychological symptoms associated with dementia. I was really pleased to be a part of this story. 

Every 65 seconds someone in the USA is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease - and after age 65, 1 in 5 women have a chance of developing the disease. This is a topic we should all care about.

Read the full article here.